Can Child Support Be Cancelled?

Can Child Support Be Cancelled?

Whether child support can or should be cancelled is a complex topic that, like many other areas of law, depends on the circumstances. There is no clear or direct answer as to when child support stops or can be cancelled.  A common misunderstanding in Ontario is that child support automatically ends when the child reaches […]

Do Women Pay Child Support?

Do Women Pay Child Support?

The idea that women do not have to pay child support is a myth. While historically, a father would make child support payments for the children, this is no longer the standard.  Do women have to pay child support? Depending on the circumstances of the divorce or separation, women paying child support is a likely […]

Retroactive Child Support

Retroactive Child Support

New Child Support Guidelines came into effect on November 22, 2017. Child support obligations are calculated in accordance with the tables included in the Child Support Guidelines, which can be found here. Some situations allow the Courts to deviate from the prescribed amounts. Can I get retroactive child support payments because the payor has not paid […]

Child Support

Child Support

A. Do I have to pay child support? Ontario’s Family Law Act and the Federal Divorce Act both state that every parent has an obligation to support his or her child, to the extent that he or she is capable. The parent who has primary care and residence of the child typically incurs most expenses associated […]

Child Support Owing, Drivers License Suspended, Oh Oh!

Child Support Owing, Drivers License Suspended, Oh Oh!

Often individuals fall on hard times and fall behind on their child support or spousal support orders and extra- ordinary (section 7) expenses. Support orders being enforced through the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) must be taken seriously, and there are grave consequences that can incur even if the payor falls modestly behind in his or […]